Wednesday, April 28, 2010

boards are done!!

so today is Wednesday and I have completed my boards and they are hung! that is a huge relief! But now the stress of the booklet begins...I currently have about 22 pages done, so half way there!! I need to finish putting stuff on the boards that i can then I will move onto what I do not have done! work on that and hopefully be done with the booklet before finals week!! thats the goal so here we go!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

almost time

well today is the 21st...I need some prayers cause the boards are due Sunday and I still have to do my perspectives. At this point in time it's just a matter of doing in. So thats my goal tonight is to knock those out and once that is done then I ust have to put the boards together! And thankfully what goes on the boards also has pages in the booklet. So that helps to knockout some pages along the way. My ultimate goal at this point is to work on this project all weekend, and hopefully I can complete a large portion of the project if not all of it!! If I could finish the whole project then I might even be able to pass my other classes! ha, so thats the plan of attack and hopefully I can actually make that happen this time!! My other plans of attack have not gone according to plan...but that changes this weekend, I am staying here and not being social at all!!! Here come the weekend time to get it done!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

good day today!

today is a good, maybe even great day! I was lucky enough to have 2 of my four classes for the day cancelled. This did work to my benefit cause I still had the 8 am class and so that got me out of bed and instead of going back home (which I could have) I went into the lab and started working on my project. All I have left with the floor plan is a little bit of furniture, not to bad. I also was able to start the space analysis and space usage and even the finish schedule! Now did I actually finish those, not so much but at least they are started! All I know is that this weekend is go time for renderings!! I have to go home home this weekend and that is actually a good thing cause I plan on camping out at the kitchen counter, sorry mom! haha But I should be able to get all those rendering for the boards at least done over the weekend. If that does actually happen then I can put the boards together next Monday and then get to work big time on the booklet!! That is what I am afraid of the most at this point! All those pages to complete is a very intimidating task! I have also spent some class time today putting my fixtures onto their appropriate pages and then putting it into the publisher file... All I know is that I just want to be done stressing, so if that means stress till I get a handle on everything I will do it! Here goes nothing, I am diving in head first.....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

wednesday but feels like monday

So today is yet another day that I am exhausted and have not slept well in a long time. So basically I am doing my best to push through! My main goal is to have all floor plans done before 8 am tomorrow morning. While on this trip I will be working on the specs and schedules. This project seems to be never ending but my plan on attack is a pretty good one. If everything that I have planned gets completed then I will be very proud of myself. I just have to keep kicking and not give up. Time is running out quickly but that has to be my motivation! So here goes nothing....

Monday, April 5, 2010

making progress! :)

Today has been a productive day. I came into class with a plan and have been working towards that very much. I have done quite a bit of my floor plan today and I am liking what I have. As far as putting furniture into the floor plan that will happen later tonight during the basketball game (since I am not cheering for either team). This is a good thing by the way, I can have the game turned on and have it in the background while I work on my project. This is when I get the most done. So my plan is to have the floor plan and furniture in by Wednesday and my critique so then I can begin the perspectives!! And then my goal is to have those done at the latest by next weekend!! If That is what I will be focusing on then I will likely have them completed before then, which would be glorious for me! :)! So I am going to continue working hard these last few weeks! But first is the boards, when those are done then the remainder, the booklet. That is where the fear of not completing the project comes into play. But I just have to keep working and take short and not very often! Looks like less sleep than normal in my near future!