Wednesday, March 31, 2010

exhausted wednesday

so waking up today wasn't really waking up. For some reason I did not get any sleep last night, so I am totally exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open. Seeing that this is the case I made the choice to work somewhere comfortable and be productive instead of uncomfortable and unproductive. This choice turned out to be a good one! I have been putting off the work that needs to be done in auto cad and today I made a huge stride forward! I basically have to put furniture in and then electrical and plumbing but just getting going makes me feel a lot better about things! So I am going to take a break (what I am doing now) and then get back to it this evening! I can hopefully be done with all of the remaining stuff on the list by the weekend. So I need to keep this momentum going!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

time to crack down

The time has come to begin stressing...I try to keep myself from doing so but you never know with a project this size. There are not very many days of class left to work so therefore I must come into the lab on days that I would not normally be on campus! That means tomorrow and Thursday! I hope to be done with cad by the weekend...hope being the key word! If I can get that done then I will be feeling very good about everything. I am currently more worried about the boards seeing that those are due before the booklet. So I just need to lock down and focus.
Today is a struggle with that though. We had the pictures which took a large chunk of time, followed by the grad fair. Which made me to start to re-think walking. I didn't really want to and now I am beginning to reconsider. So who know where that thought process will take me. But back to what must be done in order to graduate, this project. I plan on working on this everyday for the remainder of the week and even this weekend. I will be home in Louisville so that I do not have to get up as early on Monday to go to OEC. So while there I will be working and working and working some more.
On a totally different note that I am excited about, I was offered a job at the location of my internship. This is very exciting because I was also starting to stress about sending resumes and interviews and just finding a place that was hiring in the first place. Now I have a place to start and gain my experience and go from there. I am very happily going to accept this job and work with people that have become very dear to me and that are so much fun to be around! I can't want to truly begin my life as an adult!!! Bring on the world!

Monday, March 15, 2010


so I got some news today that was not what I really wanted to hear. One of the women that I worked under during my internship recently found out she has two brain tumors and one of them is the size of a grapefruit. Today she is at the doctor to see what steps can be taken. Waiting for the news is killing me!! I am trying to focus but am finding it very difficult. Please pray for her, she is a great woman!
Other than that I am going to be working on my bubble diagram renderings tonight and tomorrow so today is a day of knocking out the simple pages then working in autocad, as best as possible that is.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

little bit of research

after doing some research in class today, I found a few websites. The first one is just a design firm, I came acorss their website because I liked the look of their large glass doors. Thinking that they were the manufacturers I went to the website, I was wrong. They still have some great projects in their portfolio. The next website is one that I found for finished concrete. I love the way finished concrete looks and the way that there are so many options. These two websites may help you all cause they helped me.
Also I have a do we do a demolition plan?? I jsut saw that and relaized that I have no idea how to do!

almost spring break....

So today is the last Studio before spring break, this is both good and bad. Obviously good to have a break from school and spend time laying in the sun of someplace warm, the bad is that the semester is that much closer to being over! That means that it is time to get on the ball and get moving. I am struggling with the bubble diagrams and little bit right now so I am trying to do other things to keep my mind off of it. Then when I feel ready enough I will go back to it and hopefully have something that I love right away. After seeing the ALoft boutique hotel in Nashville Monday I am more sure now than I ever have been to mix prints. This is what ALoft does and it looks very young and hip but also very sphisticated.
So after class today I am officially on spring break, but seeing that my flight to Florida isn't until Tuesday I am sure that I will be working on this project from on of 2 places, my bed or the lab! Either way I will be working on it. I also have a feeling that while I am at the beach I will be thinking about the up coming critique. So basically I am going to try and get a lot done before I leave so then I might be able to enjoy the beach.