Wednesday, May 5, 2010

10 pages left!

It is the last day of studio class ever and I have ten remaining pages!! I have no motivation at this very moment because I am going to Louisville after this class! and I really just want to go home! So I am trying to be motivated but I am struggling very much, which has been a trend for me this semester! I am just so ready to be done!!! I will try to complete the plumbing now and then work some more this weekend! I know that I can get this done in time! It is just a matter or getting it done!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

boards are done!!

so today is Wednesday and I have completed my boards and they are hung! that is a huge relief! But now the stress of the booklet begins...I currently have about 22 pages done, so half way there!! I need to finish putting stuff on the boards that i can then I will move onto what I do not have done! work on that and hopefully be done with the booklet before finals week!! thats the goal so here we go!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

almost time

well today is the 21st...I need some prayers cause the boards are due Sunday and I still have to do my perspectives. At this point in time it's just a matter of doing in. So thats my goal tonight is to knock those out and once that is done then I ust have to put the boards together! And thankfully what goes on the boards also has pages in the booklet. So that helps to knockout some pages along the way. My ultimate goal at this point is to work on this project all weekend, and hopefully I can complete a large portion of the project if not all of it!! If I could finish the whole project then I might even be able to pass my other classes! ha, so thats the plan of attack and hopefully I can actually make that happen this time!! My other plans of attack have not gone according to plan...but that changes this weekend, I am staying here and not being social at all!!! Here come the weekend time to get it done!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

good day today!

today is a good, maybe even great day! I was lucky enough to have 2 of my four classes for the day cancelled. This did work to my benefit cause I still had the 8 am class and so that got me out of bed and instead of going back home (which I could have) I went into the lab and started working on my project. All I have left with the floor plan is a little bit of furniture, not to bad. I also was able to start the space analysis and space usage and even the finish schedule! Now did I actually finish those, not so much but at least they are started! All I know is that this weekend is go time for renderings!! I have to go home home this weekend and that is actually a good thing cause I plan on camping out at the kitchen counter, sorry mom! haha But I should be able to get all those rendering for the boards at least done over the weekend. If that does actually happen then I can put the boards together next Monday and then get to work big time on the booklet!! That is what I am afraid of the most at this point! All those pages to complete is a very intimidating task! I have also spent some class time today putting my fixtures onto their appropriate pages and then putting it into the publisher file... All I know is that I just want to be done stressing, so if that means stress till I get a handle on everything I will do it! Here goes nothing, I am diving in head first.....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

wednesday but feels like monday

So today is yet another day that I am exhausted and have not slept well in a long time. So basically I am doing my best to push through! My main goal is to have all floor plans done before 8 am tomorrow morning. While on this trip I will be working on the specs and schedules. This project seems to be never ending but my plan on attack is a pretty good one. If everything that I have planned gets completed then I will be very proud of myself. I just have to keep kicking and not give up. Time is running out quickly but that has to be my motivation! So here goes nothing....

Monday, April 5, 2010

making progress! :)

Today has been a productive day. I came into class with a plan and have been working towards that very much. I have done quite a bit of my floor plan today and I am liking what I have. As far as putting furniture into the floor plan that will happen later tonight during the basketball game (since I am not cheering for either team). This is a good thing by the way, I can have the game turned on and have it in the background while I work on my project. This is when I get the most done. So my plan is to have the floor plan and furniture in by Wednesday and my critique so then I can begin the perspectives!! And then my goal is to have those done at the latest by next weekend!! If That is what I will be focusing on then I will likely have them completed before then, which would be glorious for me! :)! So I am going to continue working hard these last few weeks! But first is the boards, when those are done then the remainder, the booklet. That is where the fear of not completing the project comes into play. But I just have to keep working and take short and not very often! Looks like less sleep than normal in my near future!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

exhausted wednesday

so waking up today wasn't really waking up. For some reason I did not get any sleep last night, so I am totally exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open. Seeing that this is the case I made the choice to work somewhere comfortable and be productive instead of uncomfortable and unproductive. This choice turned out to be a good one! I have been putting off the work that needs to be done in auto cad and today I made a huge stride forward! I basically have to put furniture in and then electrical and plumbing but just getting going makes me feel a lot better about things! So I am going to take a break (what I am doing now) and then get back to it this evening! I can hopefully be done with all of the remaining stuff on the list by the weekend. So I need to keep this momentum going!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

time to crack down

The time has come to begin stressing...I try to keep myself from doing so but you never know with a project this size. There are not very many days of class left to work so therefore I must come into the lab on days that I would not normally be on campus! That means tomorrow and Thursday! I hope to be done with cad by the weekend...hope being the key word! If I can get that done then I will be feeling very good about everything. I am currently more worried about the boards seeing that those are due before the booklet. So I just need to lock down and focus.
Today is a struggle with that though. We had the pictures which took a large chunk of time, followed by the grad fair. Which made me to start to re-think walking. I didn't really want to and now I am beginning to reconsider. So who know where that thought process will take me. But back to what must be done in order to graduate, this project. I plan on working on this everyday for the remainder of the week and even this weekend. I will be home in Louisville so that I do not have to get up as early on Monday to go to OEC. So while there I will be working and working and working some more.
On a totally different note that I am excited about, I was offered a job at the location of my internship. This is very exciting because I was also starting to stress about sending resumes and interviews and just finding a place that was hiring in the first place. Now I have a place to start and gain my experience and go from there. I am very happily going to accept this job and work with people that have become very dear to me and that are so much fun to be around! I can't want to truly begin my life as an adult!!! Bring on the world!

Monday, March 15, 2010


so I got some news today that was not what I really wanted to hear. One of the women that I worked under during my internship recently found out she has two brain tumors and one of them is the size of a grapefruit. Today she is at the doctor to see what steps can be taken. Waiting for the news is killing me!! I am trying to focus but am finding it very difficult. Please pray for her, she is a great woman!
Other than that I am going to be working on my bubble diagram renderings tonight and tomorrow so today is a day of knocking out the simple pages then working in autocad, as best as possible that is.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

little bit of research

after doing some research in class today, I found a few websites. The first one is just a design firm, I came acorss their website because I liked the look of their large glass doors. Thinking that they were the manufacturers I went to the website, I was wrong. They still have some great projects in their portfolio. The next website is one that I found for finished concrete. I love the way finished concrete looks and the way that there are so many options. These two websites may help you all cause they helped me.
Also I have a do we do a demolition plan?? I jsut saw that and relaized that I have no idea how to do!

almost spring break....

So today is the last Studio before spring break, this is both good and bad. Obviously good to have a break from school and spend time laying in the sun of someplace warm, the bad is that the semester is that much closer to being over! That means that it is time to get on the ball and get moving. I am struggling with the bubble diagrams and little bit right now so I am trying to do other things to keep my mind off of it. Then when I feel ready enough I will go back to it and hopefully have something that I love right away. After seeing the ALoft boutique hotel in Nashville Monday I am more sure now than I ever have been to mix prints. This is what ALoft does and it looks very young and hip but also very sphisticated.
So after class today I am officially on spring break, but seeing that my flight to Florida isn't until Tuesday I am sure that I will be working on this project from on of 2 places, my bed or the lab! Either way I will be working on it. I also have a feeling that while I am at the beach I will be thinking about the up coming critique. So basically I am going to try and get a lot done before I leave so then I might be able to enjoy the beach.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

productive day!

So today was a good day, I got a lot done or atleast thats what it feels like! I completed the design on my borads and also the design for the booklet. Once the booklet design was completed I worked on the pages that I could so far. This is one of the pages from my booklet...Obviously my inspirations page, but still atleast one that is complete! yay! other than that page I was able to get about 9 pages done. So that is a very productive day! My plan for the rest of the week and weekend is to sketch my bubble and blocking diagrams. And once I have decided on a floorplan that I am happy with I will apply it to the existing plan. I can do that is weekend even though I will be out of town (not by choice). So I am hoping that the weekend will turn out to be as productive if not more than today was!! Have a good weekend all....

Monday, February 22, 2010

sort of productive....

So for today's class I wanted to have the board design completed, and I actually think I do. Since the color scheme that I am using is black and white with punches of color, I wanted to continue to use that theme with the board design. I decided to go with a simple black rectangle around the entire edge. In the top left corner is where the name Onyx Square is located in white font. Also in the center of the board that will all connect is a black square with a white O for Onyx. This center logo has a been faded out so that it will not take over the entire board. The center is the only thing that I am considering changing. I have also done some work on finding materials and finishes today. When it comes to this aspect of work I love it! I love to see what all is out there and make selections.

Something that had slipped my mind up until today was the date for the design project. I was looking through my studio folder and saw that the deadline is March 5th. That would me a little over a week from today! Good thing I have been brainstorming a good amount. The ideas I have are more than likely going to have something to do with light. So we will see how that turns out.

As I was browsing through mirrors on, which is a great website I found this simple mirror that I love that will be used in the bathrooms of the hotel rooms. It is simple but has interesting detail that surround the mirror! It will also help with the color scheme by not being bold or extravagant and distracting. Finds like this one are the ones that keep me motivated.!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

another weekend

This weekend will not be a super productive one in regards to this project. I have other school stuff adding up that is due much sooner than this one. That means I will be taking breaks from the other subjects to work on this one. I will continue to make selections for the spaces throughout the hotel, restaurant and spa. I will also be working on the floor plans and working in auto cad! I have also been thinking about what it is that I am going to use for the bonus project within the project! but those are all still inside the brain! have a good weekend!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

day after singels day!

So this weekend didn't turn out to be all that productive. I tried but having a 4 year old wanting to do puzzles and play games makes it difficult. But I am still very excited about really getting down to work! I am going to come to campus tomorrow and make up for lost time (thank you snow day)! But I need to make the border for my boards and once that is done time to go!!! I know that this weekend will for sure be a productive weekend as well as this week!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Weel its Friday evening and I am at home in Louisville. I walked into my 4 year old niece being crazy but thats just her! Anyways I know what direction I am going for this project I have a name and couldn't be more excited to work on it! I am going to take this weekend to start picking furniture and finishes and lighting and everything else! I am also going to draw up some sketches and get to work! That means come time for class it is time to stare at the computer screen and get down to business! I can't wait!! Its going to be a good relaxing and productive weekend for me! Hope its the same for everybody else!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

near a monday meltdown

So after going to the site of our project and seeing the size and lawn I am now going to reconsider everything that I had planned. I know that I want to make the area where the show room used to be the restaurant and I wanted to use the hangers as the spa. I would like to be able to continue with this idea and plan on taking some of the large hanger space as the kitchen. I have some interesting ideas for the hanger areas as the spa and I am very excited to get to work. I think the reason that I am most excited is because a name finally came to me while viewing the space today. Wednesday is going to be a big day and I plan on getting a lot done and I am looking forward to it very much!!! Meltdown spared by great ideas and visions of the final project. Yay!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

the weekend agenda

This weekends plan is all about being studious! I am going home and I will have the house to myself which means peace and quiet!!! I can't wait. My goal is to start working on the floor plan and really figuring stuff out. Bring it on!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

not the best day

So I woke up this morning and felt like I had been hit by a train! So that is never good when you have work to do such as this project. However I do know what kinda of design I am going to do I have made up some sketches for the hotel rooms. I am still working on the name. I am the type of person that I have trouble sleeping at night because I am too busy thinking of other things. I was laying in bed last night still thinking of a name and then started to think about what I wanted my boards to look like, where to start with the materials and finishes. I decided that I would like my board to have the same design as the hotel, restaurant and spa. Black and white with a splash of color. In regards to where to start making selections I would like to find an accessory that is traditional with a modern flare to use an inspiration.
My last thought for the night would be the name. I have had so many different thought processes. With the black and white throughout all the areas it got me thinking about the Corvette Museum, however I do not want to use something of that sort again, at least not as obvious. So the thought that I am having is V Plaza. And there there are the other thought processes that include the symbolism of the colors. I wish that the name would just come to me while I'll sleep.....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


so during class I was able to finally decide on the black and white throughout all three areas within the project. Even though I was able to decide on this I was unable to decide on a name. And then I started thinking should I do three different names that are similar or relate to each other in some way. These are difficult choices to make, atleast for me. So since I did not complete this personal task of mine in class I will be spending the weekend working on this! I still can't wait to be in the comfort of my bed and being productive! Sounds like a great weekend if you ask me!

still debating

So it is day two of studio for the last semester. Last class I spent looking at hotels throughout the world. This class time I am going to use to come up with some possible name options and continue to do some research on hotels. I think I have a pretty good idea of what direction I want to go as far as designing goes. However when it comes to the name for the hotel, spa and restaurant I have not the slightest idea. The only thought I do have is to take words such as classic, modern, transition and look for some interesting synonyms. We will see what options are presented and go from there. That is the best I have right now.
The good thing about this weekend is the fact that mine starts after this class. Now with the incoming weather I plan on laying in bed and being studios! Lots of research for this project and starting to find materials and finishes. And also work will be completed for other classes! I am actually looking forward to getting things done all while laying in bed!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

where to start?!

It is the first day of my last semester and the single big project has arrived. The goal to design a hotel, restaurant and spa. The hotel section will be an added on building. This is about as far as my thought process has gone today! I am almost positive that I have chosen a color scheme. My personal style tends to lean towards black and white. Instead of just using black and white throughout all of these spaces, I plan to add so pops of color in the rooms and on the tables and such. I also enjoy modern style furnishing and fixtures, however seeing that this establishment is going to be in Bowling Green, I am going to aim for a transitional style. This simply means a combination of modern and traditional furnishings and fixtures. This is going to be a very challenging and time consuming project but I am looking forward to it, once my brain gets going!