Monday, March 22, 2010

time to crack down

The time has come to begin stressing...I try to keep myself from doing so but you never know with a project this size. There are not very many days of class left to work so therefore I must come into the lab on days that I would not normally be on campus! That means tomorrow and Thursday! I hope to be done with cad by the weekend...hope being the key word! If I can get that done then I will be feeling very good about everything. I am currently more worried about the boards seeing that those are due before the booklet. So I just need to lock down and focus.
Today is a struggle with that though. We had the pictures which took a large chunk of time, followed by the grad fair. Which made me to start to re-think walking. I didn't really want to and now I am beginning to reconsider. So who know where that thought process will take me. But back to what must be done in order to graduate, this project. I plan on working on this everyday for the remainder of the week and even this weekend. I will be home in Louisville so that I do not have to get up as early on Monday to go to OEC. So while there I will be working and working and working some more.
On a totally different note that I am excited about, I was offered a job at the location of my internship. This is very exciting because I was also starting to stress about sending resumes and interviews and just finding a place that was hiring in the first place. Now I have a place to start and gain my experience and go from there. I am very happily going to accept this job and work with people that have become very dear to me and that are so much fun to be around! I can't want to truly begin my life as an adult!!! Bring on the world!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Congrats on getting the job! You think they'd still need an intern?? haha im still searching!!
